Monday, July 7, 2008

Vision Boards To Guide Our Way

One night, while watching Oprah, we learned about the Law of Attraction and the creation of vision boards. A vision board can be composed of many images. For this first attempt, we decided to just pull out pictures that called to us and that we were drawn to rather than to try to find pictures of a specific vision for our lives. We will be adding to them as we find additional images that speak of the direction we want our lives to take. See if you can figure out which board is Shirley's and which is Jan's. 


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

cool, cool, cool!

okay...the bottom board is mom's and the top is jan's. yes?

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

Yes, what gave it away, the chicken? Or the VW? Ha Ha

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

both! :-)