Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now!!

I know you won't even be able to wrap your minds around this, but today I decided to wash some windows. I know, I know, I can't remember the last time I did this. However, as I tried to see outside to admire my beautiful garden and numerous birds, I realized that I couldn't see squat. I have never washed windows since we've lived in this house and it will be six years this September. And so, it was time.

I only washed two sets......the kitchen windows over the Baking Center and the window in my studio that is behind my computer. I realized that we had built a house with many windows to allow the wonderful light to enter and I really needed to wash off the dirt so the light would have a chance. I am thrilled with the results and it really wasn't such a big project after all. I will tackle the glass doors next, but not today. Today, I will spend the remainder of the day working in my studio completing La Cruz de Los Milagros .


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

miracle of miracles!! let the record state that when I am in town, the glass doors DO get cleaned. (mind you, it has been a while!)

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

You're right, you're right. And I HAVE cleaned the glass doors, eveh though willy nilly you understand.