Saturday, October 25, 2008

While Paint Dries

All thirty shelves for the bookcase wall have been primed, two coats, both sides X 30 = 120 heavy shelves picked up, primed, and laid out to dry, using up every horizontal surface in the shop. fortunately, primer dries quickly, so all of the above was one long day's job, about ten hours worth. Next was the first paint coat - one side X 30. Enamel takes a LOT longer to dry, so there's time for other duties.
One such is walking Cocoa. Now that it is a bit cooler (Yea!) we can get back to training outdoors. Yesterday's walk provided unexpected excitement - a new den! It's huge!  As we trekked past the pump house a dark shape caught my eye, and for a moment we kept walking as my brain processed the unexpected. Then an about face (good training move :-)) to go back and check it out. A gaping hole at least a foot in diameter had quite recently been dug in the side of a large mound of weed covered dirt. There are several of these mounds in the wooded areas, left from tree clearing and well drilling. Whatever has moved in to this hole is bigger than a gopher tortoise! A new mystery, a new resident. Perhaps I need to study wildlife "holeology". I have already learned that a gopher hole is dome shaped with a flat bottom - matching the shape and size of the gopher's shell - and descends at a 45 degree angle, turning to conceal the tunnel or den. Each time the gopher enters, it clears away sand and debris, very gradually enlarging the hole as the gopher very slowly grows. Abandoned gopher holes are used by other wildlife, thus helping the environment by providing shelter to animals such as rattlesnakes, armadillo, fox, etc.   

Whatever made the new hole wasn't waiting fora gopher to leave. In my younger days I would have set up a watch spot and stayed up all night to spot the creature. At this point I am content with the mystery.


LeeAnn D. said...

"Holeology" I LOVE IT! You're going to have to teach me some of that. You know, I've thought of staying out late at nights and watching things that are going on around the neighborhood. For now I am just letting things be a mystery too. It is tempting, though, to go to a spy shop and buy some goosneck nighttime cameras like they set up in the meerkat dens on "Meerkat Manor."

I do miss having Animal Planet and National Geographic since we got rid of cable. But I have too much to do to sit in front of the TV anyway. Like spy on the neighbors and be mad at how white, trashy and ignorant they are. I like the black neighbors much better.

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

jan, you never cease to amaze me with amount of things you can get done! that's A LOT of house what i imagine is A LOT of great books!

but the new hole, now that's cool. if i were there i would stay up all night (not unusual for me) to help solve the mystery.

keep us posted on new developments!