Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Visit To Crone's Cradle

We were very excited today because we were taking a drive to Citra, a small town near Ocala. Crone's Cradle Conserve is located in Citra and it is one of our favorite
places. Crone's Cradle is an organic farm and today was Farm Stead Day. We knew we would be buying fresh vegetables, brown eggs, and touring the farm on foot. I love this farm because the flowers and vegetables are always beautiful, the chickens are always happy, and the fifty or so cats that inhabit the grounds are friendly. Well, today, we did part of what we intended to do.

When we arrived at Crone's Cradle, it was obvious that they had been having a lot of rain. The entry road was rutty and Janet kept having to remind me to drive faster or we were going to get stuck. I was going slowly because the signs said, "Critters Crossing, 15mph". Once we drove through the main gate, we saw the ruts, mud, and general destruction all over the farm. Not only had the rain created a big problem for vehicles, but a group of feral hogs had visited during the night and had torn up all of the grass looking for grubs and worms. It was a mess. We were very disappointed and only stayed long enough to buy some eggplant, peppers, and eggs. The bright spot was the scarecrow that I call "Fashionary Scary Mary".

Tonight, I will roast the eggplant and peppers and look forward to cool weather and another trip to Crone's Cradle when the gardens are thriving and the hogs will be contained. (Maybe. One never knows about hogs!)

1 comment:

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

bummer that this place was such a mess but the veggies look great!