Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Weekend Surprise

The thing I love most about orchids is that they bloom overnight and surprise you in the morning. One of the good things about a week's worth of rain is that some of the plants really LOVE it. This orchid is one of those plants. When Janet saw it, she said the flowers look like little "ghosties". So this plant will be known from henceworth as the "Ghostie" orchid. I am waiting for a bloom from "Wayne", an orchid given to me by Darla's brother-in-law. If "Wayne" ever blooms, you can bet it will be the subject of a blog.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

oohhh, very cool and eerie!
i am diggin' this orchid!

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

I love Orchids. Your site is very sweet. xoxo Nita

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

Thank you Nita. I have just begun to blog and have just begun to create art. I am 65 years old and intend to stay on the "cutting edge" as long as I can. I appreciate your visiting my blog.