Thursday, August 28, 2008

Body of Evidence

Unwilling to let Gaela the Norwich terrier have all the murderous glory, Cocoa the fox terrier has perpetrated a toyicide of her own. And she made no effort to conceal her nefarious deed. Strewn across the living room rug were the remains of "The Nosich Bird." I remember sitting quietly in my chair, deep in study, when I heard the squeak of the toy basket and the sound of Cocoa giving some toy a thorough thrashing. Then all was quiet. I paid no atttention to the performance. Perhaps that was the problem. In no time the "bird" was reduced to piles of fiberfill and rope appendages. Not being one to dwell on things, Cocoa had moved on to another room to look for -
who knows, more action? Life with a dog is never dull! I just hope she never hears about Button unpotting all of Mom's freshly watered African violets onto the new light gray carpet.

1 comment:

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

ooh, this is a good one!
and i thought cleaning runny poop from an old dogs butt was got this on me :-)