Thursday, August 28, 2008

Clip Art

I love office supplies. So does Michelle, the clerk in our office. In fact, Michelle is in love with clips. She coordinates clips on all correspondence and spoils my reading coaches by coordinating all of their tests and other paperwork with clips that match the color of the ink she prints in. Can you imagine???

Anyway, Michelle took a trip to Staples today and pressed the "Easy Button". She bought various decorative clips for each of us and these are the ones she bought for me. Aren't they so cool? I asked her if I had to use them at work or if I could take them home and she said I could do whatever I wanted with them. So here they are at home, getting ready to march into my studio to help me organize my art papers.

1 comment:

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

i love office supplies too! genetic?
and damn these are cute, cute!