Sunday, April 12, 2009

Square Foot Gardening

In the seven years we have lived in Ocala, we have never been able to successfully grow vegetables. One reason is that we have many large and small marauders on our property such as bunnies, squirrels, raccoons, and possums. These little wild things love to eat new shoots, immature plants of every kind, and sometimes make a mess just by digging everything up. The other reason we have not been able to grow anything is that our soil is filled with clay and does not allow the water to drain through.
However, this year, Janet discovered a book entitled All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew and we are off and running. The premise of square foot gardening is to build a bed that is 4x4, allowing for 16 sq feet of gardening space. The bed is divided into square foot sections and the plants are planted in each square according to their size at maturity. For example, one tomato or one eggplant is planted in a square; but nine bush beans are planted in another square of the same size. Four zinnia plants can also fit into another square; or four basil plants. Janet built cages in order to keep out the curiosity seekers and to protect the plants from start to finish.
As you can see, the beans are thriving after only five days and next week I will thin out the plants by clipping the smaller ones with scissors. Even though this garden looks very industrial, we anticipate great success. Stay tuned. We will continue to show you our progress.


kirst68hk said...

What a creative idea! Hope your vegetables grow well.

amelia said...

I envy your ability to grow anything!!!
Our bushland is not conducive to growing things. Too much shade but we are going to try beans and tomatoes on our deck this year.

Elizabeth & Shannon said...

ooh, how very cool! the beds look nice too!