Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chicken Little and the Trip to See the King

Well, this is the kind of chicken I would have raised if I were raising chickens. It is a Buff Orpinton but I will only see it in photographs. After much reading and even more thought, we have made the decision that raising chickens where we live would be just putting them out for bait for some wild animal. We thought about how we could secure the chicken house and then we read about how raccoons and foxes love to raid the coop. Then we thought about putting in wire, electric fencing and this project was getting more and more complicated by the hour. Then we thought that we would need to hire a chicken sitter when we took a trip and all of a sudden, the desire to simplify our lives was becoming a farce. So....instead of raising our own chickens, we will continue to have it as a fantasy. Maybe when I'm a very old woman, I will have chickens. Or maybe not. But at least we have gone through the exercise of considering it very seriously before making our decision. I think we'll stick to raising vegetables and our one dog.


LeeAnn D. said...

A very wise decision. It is hard enough for me to continue to feed the birds and squirrels knowing that they act as bait for Fred and George. They are bagging at least one squirrel a week. Luckily they aren't bagging many birds and we've saved two squirrels so far.

Anonymous said...

yes...tough choice. a more simple life is a tough choice but good for you!