Sunday, September 14, 2008

Clean at Last, Clean at Last, Thank ......It's Clean at Last!

The happy home away from home is no longer dingy, green with algae, and black with mildew. Thanks to a great detail job, she shines with a coat of wax and holds her head a bit higher, tho her wheels are sinking deeper. Her only complaint now is that she is lonely. Perhaps she'll have visitors before too very long. Even the cows in the pasture look wistfully over the fence hoping Elizabeth will appear with some watermelon for them. They have also been staging escapes to make the neighborhood a bit more exciting. I hear they are raiding the vegetable garden a couple of houses down the road. The banana spiders are most unhappy to have been knocked down, and are no doubt busily making new webs at every corner, but their days are numbered. Thankfully they all disappear in the cooler weather that we hope is not too distant. Heidi has made a new entrance/exit so she can come and go from the upper level of her den more easily. And, I almost forgot, Shirley rescued a BIG tortoise at the side of the road in front of the house. Looked like it was about to venture across to our side, and that would have been tragic. I think it's name is Herman.

1 comment:

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

this baby looks fantastic (like only my grandfather could say!)
ah yes, i pine for an extended period of time there on the farm. i miss the ambiance and the solitude and the company of my moms.
i am hoping for cooler weather for you too. we have what feels like winter coolness (definitely different than summer coolness here in SF) the change is subtle...but i know you know what i mean!