Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another New Family in Residence

The eggs hatched and babies have appeared, wide mouthed, awaiting mother wren to bring the grub.  Last night as I headed to my shop, I glanced into the watering can and there they were, mouths agape, baby Carolina wrens in their entry porch nest.  I ran back to the house to tell Shirley, and we decided to close off the entry gate for a few days to keep traffic to a minimum. Much to and fro by the parents all day as we peeked out the front door watching. It was a bit of a pain to go all the way around the house to the big door and enter the shop that way, but well worth it to give the wrens some peace and quiet. Not that they seem to notice us much. They do build their nest it the most interesting places. Lots of food nearby, as the bugs crowd around the porch lights which are on all night. Easy pickings for birds and the many, many green tree frogs that attach themselves to the walls every night. Occasionally a huge toad also takes up a nighttime post for feeding.  Just the front porch menagerie living in happy harmony.


amelia said...

This is so nice and so different from where I live.
We had a grackle mum and baby a couple of days ago and we will have some evening grosbeak babies a little later.
We have myriad mosquito's and their babies too!!! Wish we didn't!!

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

WHOOOAAAA - what an amazing picture!!!! I think its so cool that you all inconvenience yourselves for these little birds. As it should be :-)

Eileen said...

Hi Jan,
I was so happy to see that the birds chose the watering can in which to nest. How smart of them &
a wonderful view for you. Enjoy.