Saturday, June 20, 2009

Animals R Us

Most of these photos were taken last weekend as we toured the New England Shire Horse farm here in Ocala. The horse in the photo above was running toward the wagon because he knows the wagon is full of people with carrots to distribute. He's a very smart horse.
These are the horses once they have arrived at the wagon full of people bearing carrots. This is a very fun activity, by the way.
This is Viagra, the donkey. I know, that's a very odd name but if you think that's odd, think of this: the other donkey is named Levitra.
This is not a horse or a donkey. This is Cocoa, the performing house dog. This is her famous stance when she is begging for cheese or anything else edible.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

i would love to have been on that tour! the donkeys DO have funny names but i think they are just great!

Judith said...

I think Viagra is a lovely name for a donkey, although it does denote a sort of stiffness.

amelia said...

I wonder if the donkeys names say anything about their owners???