Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lesson From the Lilies

I never know what I'll find when I take my morning garden walk. It's kind of like an Easter egg hunt because I am always surprised by a serendipitous bloom that has appeared overnight. This morning, I found two new little jewels in the daylily bed. Because I am an abstract random individual, I have not kept track of the kinds of daylilies I have planted over the years. And so, when they burst forth, it is a wonderfully new adventure each time. 
I have walked the daylily journey over many years. Some of my plants came from the yard of my dear Aunt Minnie who lived to nearly 100 years and influenced me greatly. Others of my plants came from my father's garden, nurtured lovingly by his capable hands. I brought several plants from my own garden in Brandon and some, I just bought because I liked the color and variety. This year, I have a particularly prolific crop because we have had so much rain in the past three weeks. Daylilies are a metaphor for me of the importance of each individual day. Each flower opens in the morning and lasts for only one day. And so, it becomes very important to embrace the moment and be present for what is in the here and now. 


amelia said...

I love these lilies and we planted some for the first time last year. The problem we have is that when little things are pushing their way out of the ground, our dogs pee on them and that doesn not encourage growth!!! As you probably know~~

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

i love that you have lilies with so many different histories! and a very poignant reminder to me that each day is priceless and special. thank you for that.