Tuesday, May 26, 2009

She Who Hesitates Is ....

When we bought our sage green rug for the living room, we planned to add another just like it to fill the entire room.  Well, time, poor memory, and the economy caused us to delay the second purchase.  When we did remember to order, we thought we had a duplicate rug on the way, but were dismayed upon its delivery to find it in no way matched and was too ugly to contemplate. Back it goes to LL Bean, and we move to plan B. Realizing that we have no pattern at all in that room, we decided to move the green rug to the center of the space and find something with a pattern to put at either end. Now, the major purpose of the rug(s) is to provide safe footing for the dog on our tile floors, but as dogs sometimes forget their training, the rug(s) must be washable.  That complicated the search a bit. But we got lucky and found some smaller rugs that fit the bill. Cocoa can safely extend her play area, and we can lower our anxiety level when she takes a notion to run through the house.  (Because of several torn ACLs on previous dogs, we are exceptionally skittish about possible leg injuries.)  And we really like the look!


amelia said...

I love your tile floor. I have always wanted to do that because we have four large dogs and it's easy to clean but I've always felt it would be too cold with our climate.

It looks so clean and fresh in your house.

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

how lucky, the cocoa dog, who has rugs bought just for her. love it!