Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time to Rest

Excitement seems to have been the order of the day this momentous week. The election turned out well, and much has been accomplished on the bookcase project. Today the last coat of paint went on the shelves!  Cocoa helped with the painting, supervising from the big, big crate. She much prefers that to waiting in the house howling for me to come back in. Shelves will be dry enough to put into the cases next week, but will need to cure for at least another week before books can be put in place. During that time I can do final touch up, prepare shelf labels, and begin to restore order to the workshop.  I can hardly wait to clear out the paint, sandpaper, solvent, take down work tables, etc., etc., and have room to move out there.  All books except woodworking are now categorized & stacked and the stacks measured for needed shelf length and height. I made a chart roughing out where each category can go, just to be sure there would be enough room for the woodworking books. I did not want to break the seal on those boxes until I was sure. There is plenty of room, so those boxes are now in the house but not opened. Until the shelves are moved into the house I have no tables available to stack any more books on. I will have to contain myself until next week, resisting the temptation to open the last six boxes. 

New bluebird boxes are waiting to be built, and that is a top priority as they have babies by February.  Pairs are already claiming the existing boxes and chasing away interlopers.  It is a beautiful sunny day, after two days of gray gloom, cool, and perfect for kayaking. Itching to get on the water. We are looking forward to our quick trip to the panhandle. It will be a nice break from work and world madness of late. Nothing like the open road to brighten my outlook!


LeeAnn D. said...

I can't wait to see the new library when I come. That's a lot of hard work. It'll be nice for you to finally enjoy all your efforts.

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

never a "real" moment to rest...building the bluebird boxes, however, is a fab project and one done with love (that makes all the difference)

and i want to point out that the library will be finished AHEAD of schedule. YEA!

v said...

it's good to have ur own library - cultivate d reading habit in among family members.