Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today In The Garden

We wanted you to see the garden as it is beginning to take shape for the early summer. The roses and honeysuckle are blooming and the purple petunia is still showing off, even though it's late in the season. The hummingbirds love everything that is red or orange; the chickadees have a brood of five and are flying from feeder to feeder; and this evening, we saw Daddy Bluebird feeding two youngsters in the front yard. The center octagonal bed is completed so now the sundial has its new enclosure and the garden construction is completed for this year.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

ahhh yes, the taking shape. i love that stage of the garden. it's always fun to see what is growing. i envy your birds...food for them...yes, that's probably the solution! i would love a close up photo of the new center flower bed. and i am LOVIN the blog:-)

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

Will publish the photo of the center flower bed as soon as it is "ready for prime time". The plants are still working hard to bloom and aren't ready for general public view.