Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hi, my name is Cocoa but sometimes I am called Cocoa Puff or Cocoa Nut or even Cocoa Mat. I am a Smooth Fox Terrier and am five years old. I came to Florida from New York and am still trying to become accustomed to the heat. One of my favorite things to do is follow my mothers around the house. Fox Terriers don't like to sit still for long, so I am really always on the move.

I had to be a very good girl in order to have time on the blog. I tend to be very dominant and I really like to take over almost everything so I am limited to blog time depending on my behavior. My mothers decided that I need to have a tiny bit more obedience training. Therefore, every Tuesday evening I am "in class" so that I can pass my Canine Good Citizen test in a few months.

1 comment:

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

ah, yes. life out on the farm. i knew i missed it for a good reason. the PEDICURES!
man this little girl has the life, leather chair and all.