Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Garden View

Today has been a low-key day as I appreciate what is still blooming. While I wish for cooler weather, I am happy that our extended summer and mild autumn allow me to have my plants blooming longer than in other areas. I planted Swiss Chard and Red Beets today, two crops that are totally new for me. I'm hoping that the square foot beds will continue to be the answer for vegetable success.
I placed this little church birdhouse next to the shed right beside the old plow. I did this when Cassidy was coming over hoping that she would have fun looking at everything. She really didn't pay much attention to any of this stuff but I have decided that I like it so it will remain there.
I love the way the river birch looks as though it is shedding its skin. Had to show you that because it reminds me of myself. I realized today that for about the past two weeks, I have not been giving a second thought to what I would be preparing for dinner. This is totally new behavior for me. After many years of being totally responsible for the preparation of all the food in the house, it has been hard for me to let that go. I thought about food all the time to be certain that I would have what I needed for the evening meal. About two weeks ago, I quit caring. I figure that if we don't have enough to eat here, we will go out to get it. Janet it totally ok with that and it takes tons of stress off of me. So after about 46 years of worrying about food, my discipline will be to continue to let go of that issue.


amelia said...

good for you! This is wonderful!!

It took me till I was sixty to stop worrying about just the same thing! I guess it's years of conditioning from one source or another and it's hard to let go of all that. My hubby doesn't care if he eats sandwiches every day, he's very easy to please and I find that now, when I do get the urge to cook, I enjoy it a lot more!!

elizabethrosasjewelry said...

It's nice to see my favorite tree...she has really grown since the last time I saw her...bummer that you didn't pass that obsession on to Shannon.