Sunday, September 20, 2009

Waiting for a Cool Paddle

This is the Rainbow River, one of our favorite places to kayak. We don't kayak much in the hot weather because of the extreme heat but love to get out on the water once the weather cools off. In October, we will begin taking the boats out each weekend for some serious R and R. The white boat is mine and the blue one is Janet's. The Rainbow River run is a relaxing paddle to the headsprings and back. Can't wait to get started.


elizabethrosasjewelry said...

are there crocs in that river?

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

Very few crocs, Libby. This part of the river is fed by a spring which makes the water colder than crocs and gators like. That's one of the reasons I like this particular river.

amelia said...

We do the same thing. We don't kayak but we canoe and the flies etc are so bad in the summer so it's no pleasure canoeing then. We wait, like you, for the fall and enjoy our lake very much then.