Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Value of Brush Piles

This is my Zen Garden, an area in the back corner of my yard that I have dedicated to meditation. I have surrounded the red metal enclosure with bamboo and when it has grown to surround the area, will provide a quiet place of respite for solitary times. Right now, though, the brush piles have taken over the yard. We trimmed the trees last weekend and all of the trimmings are littering the property. That's an ok thing for us because we take our time cutting them up and hauling them out a little at a time.
One of the great things about brush piles is that the birds love them. For some reason, they consider them hiding places, little playgrounds, and little birdie rest areas. This morning withing a ten minute period, I saw a pair of cardinals, a pair of bluebirds, three woodpeckers, and various chickadees. Now mind you, this only lasted a few minutes as everyone jockeyed for positions at the recently-filled feeders but it was a thrill for this nature lover on a slow Saturday morning in the out-of-doors.


amelia said...

We too love brush piles because it gives shelter to chipmunks and the like. As you say, there are certain bird species who also frequent brush piles, we have noted quite a few different sparrows who like to poke around in them.

elizabethrosasjewelry said...

very cool...I want a brush pile!