Friday, February 6, 2009

Goodbye To Yonder Days

And so, another passage in our lives.....we sold the motor home this week and today it took it's leave through our front gate. Along with it went the memories of the past 15 years: the summers in North Carolina at Down by the River Campground relaxing and fishing in the nearby river; weekends spent in various Florida campgrounds with RVing Women; get-a-ways to Green Acres Campground when we wanted to be away from the phone (WAY before the days of cell phones); the year we spent living in Papa's driveway after we sold the Brandon house and were building our current home; the respite for Shannon and Elizabeth while they searched for a more permanent place to call their own. We bought this vehicle so that we could take our four dogs with us on all of our vacations. Gaela and Eiseley would bark and run to the back door every time the engine started up. "Don't go without us!!" they seemed to shout. But those days are gone; the babies are gone; and we travel now by other means with only Miss Cocoa in the back seat of the car. We sold this wonderfully preserved motor home to some really good friends and hope they enjoy it as much as we did.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

Wow! Yes the end of a very cool era. I had forgotten how much you had actually traveled in it. Elizabeth and i dearly loved our time in it and will always remember it with great fondness! Now... Drumroll please... On to the next great adventures!

kirst68hk said...

That is definitely the end of an era. But I'm sure it will also be the beginning of a new one.

amelia said...

Our five dogs are the reason we never go away!!

A motorhome is a wonderful idea but just too much money for us right now. Maybe another year..

GlorV1 said...

Thanks Shirley for stopping by my blog. Looks like your blog is an interesting one.I have dogs too and they are our babies. I'll have to backtrack when I have time. Right now I have to make dinner , take care and again thanks.