Friday, January 2, 2009

OK Hummers, We're Ready For You

I know it may seem silly and very premature but we are ready for the hummingbirds whose return is at least two months away. Although many hummingbirds winter in Florida, ours leave before the end of October. We live in a very cold part of Florida where there is ice on the cars almost every morning in winter if the temperature dips into the thirties. The birds seem to know just when to pack their little suitcases for warmer climates.
We monitor the Hummingbird Migration Map online and start to get very excited when the birds are spotted in the southern portion of the state. Last year, our birds arrived on March 1 even though some years they have arrived later than that. Today, we planted six coral honeysuckle vines on the front arbor because they come to those flowers as soon as they arrive. Even if we have freezing weather, the honeysuckle thrives so we felt safe planting them now even though it is officially still winter. We often hear the hummers before we actually see them. They make a very high-pitched chirping sound that is unmistakable. Stay tuned. You'll hear it here first!!


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

oohh, i have never seen coral honeysuckle before - it's very pretty.
the humming birds at your place are crazy and exciting. i know why you look forward to their return every year!

LeeAnn D. said...

That honeysuckle is quite lovely!