Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Impatient Gardener

Even though it is barely winter, I can't wait for spring. I miss my garden and my hummingbirds, the flowers, and the expectation of re-birth. I like the winter and fall because my chores in the garden become minimal. But the spring, when I await the arrival of the hummers and the budding of the trees and perennials....well, you just can't compare that with anything I can think of. These empty pots represent the hope of spring. I dug up all of the roses that refused to bloom. I had already given them three chances. That's all you get in my yard. But I always give a verbal warning so nothing is a surprise to the roses. These pots will be homes for perennials in the spring...perennials that will be attractors to butterflies, caterpillars, and hummingbirds.
This rose is the survivor rose because it was blooming. It is a Knock-Out rose that blooms profusely, needs very little maintenance, and is generally a wonderful plant. I did not dig it up. It will be beautiful in the spring. All I did was to remove the whiskey barrel wooden pot (which had rotted) from around the plant and give it my good wishes.
This blue ball is the only real color in the garden at this time of year. It is the hope of the multi-colors of the spring garden. When that time comes, I will complain about the weeds and the need to water constantly. But for now, I dream about spring.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

garden dreaming...i think that's what i do. although my garden is Soooooo much smaller than yours! i can't wait to see the bougainvillea in bloom (we now have a purple one as well as the orange)
i like that you give your roses 3 chances to bloom. i'll have to remember that rule.

amelia said...

I'm surprised you don't have hummingbirds all year where you live.