Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grandkids On The Water

My daughter and grandchildren visited a couple of weeks ago and we took the teenagers on a kayaking adventure. We went to Ozello which has a lot of open water and spent our time alternating between paddling and swimming.
We found a school of dolphin and three manatees which splashed right in front of our boats. It was a hard paddle, but exciting, and we followed it with lunch at Peck's...always tasty!!


elizabethrosasjewelry said...

what about crocs or alligators? See any of those?

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

No crocs or gators. That's why I go to salt water. No way, Jose.

amelia said...

How stunningly beautiful!!

We are happy canoeists and love being out on the lake with the canoe much more than our boat. It's so peaceful and quiet.

Even though we have an old motorboat the only time we use it is when the grandkids want to go to the middle of the lake and swim.

GlorV1 said...

Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Just blog hopping and I ran across your blog from billie's blog. Enjoy. Take care.