Thursday, June 26, 2008

Favorite Places and Faces in San Miguel

I loved this sign over the door of the piano studio in the Bellas Artes building in San Miguel. The Bellas Artes is a former convent and a beautiful building that houses many different art studios. We didn't actually see them being utilized but expect that they are used some of the time. We had a coffee while sitting at a little table in the inner patio while observing a group of Middle School students on a field trip.

I also loved this little Mexican beauty, gracing a doorway in a shop in the center of town. I'm guessing she is dressed for "El Di'a de los Muertos" judging by her skeletal face.

1 comment:

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

i haven't seen the studios at the bellas artes used much either...every once in a while.
and your lady...she's very colorful, and TALL!

love the photos :-)